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作者:在职研究生信息查询网 来源:在职研究生信息查询网 上传时间:2024-07-11



     一.常见错误分析(from wrong sentence to correct sentence)

     a. 句子片段,断句 (sentence fragment)

     there is a pretty american girl, she’s smiling.

     it is a cartoon, that a cock give a admission to others.

     but if not, is it a hen?

     because mostly people are freed in the same time.

     in 1995, there is one fish on the ocean, but ships are many and many.

     b. 时态混乱

     in 1995 the number of fish we can see were very few and at the same time, many fishing occurred before our eyes. (time reference: 1995)

     during the past time there are not abundant goods in the market. people would not concern service quality so long as they could buy what they needed. (time reference: past time)

     every year about 300 million people died disease that deprive from smoking. smoking use much money every year. (time reference: every year)

     in 1994, the total product of tobacco is 14.364 billion pounds and in 1995, is 14.2 billion pounds. (time reference: 1994 1995)

     what caused this phenomenon? (time reference: null)

     c. 代词误用

     it is incredible to many people. cigarette smokers spend money for illness.

     he was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious.

     everyone should do that he or she have promised, but not just their duty.

     second, perhaps this is the main reason.

     can you find anything new in this?

     d. 其他错误

     if you do your homework thoughtfully, a student should be able to pass this examination.

     jerry swallowed a steak, and an entire half a gallon of ice cream was eaten by him.

     seen from the top of the mountain, we found the small town more beautiful.



   二.句子质量提升 (from correct-only sentence to enhanced sentence)


   a. 短句(choppy sentence)

   water is an enduring source of power. it is also an unlimited energy source. dams produce power. they have existed for a long time. but windmills are relatively new.

   we must find new sources of energy. natural sources of energy are decreasing. solar energy is a promising new source of energy. solar energy is energy from the sun.

   b. 松散句 (loose sentence)


   1) i was interested in english, but i finally chose computer as my major.

   2) i chose computer as my major, although i was interested in english.


   many students attend classes all morning, and then they work all afternoon, and they also have to study at night, so they are usually exhausted by the weekend.

   c. 赘言问题 (redundant)

   in my opinion, i believe exam-oriented assessment system needs to be changed.

   in general, young people these days tend to remain single.

   the reason why people choose to live in the countryside is because there is no pollution nor noise there.

   it is highly important to find a solution to solve this problem.

   d. 汉化英语 (chinese-english)

   water shortage is a serious problem in big cities, such as shanghai, because it has over ten million people.

   government should work hard to raise the living level of the people.

   doing regular exercises can help our body.


   a. 强调句

   b. 倒装句

   c. 平行句

   parallel structure

   i am not sure whether i should give the beggar money or to offer him food.

   they would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes days.

   he left the city because he didn’t get success in business, because his friends came and because his health deteriorated.

   the criminal was found guilty because he stole sth in the shop and sent bribes to judges.

   d. 插入语

   inserted phrases

   in other words, over-fishing will lead to negative effect on our environment.

   according to a report on fishing released by ….university, the fishing boats are 25 times more than 20 years ago.

   as is know to all, smoking is bad to health.


   1) it-structure

   it is recognized that …

   it is clearly shown that …

   it is possible for us to know that …

   2) there-structure

   there is wide concern over …

   there is a general understanding that …

   there is no denying the fact that …

   3) as-structure

   as we all know, …

   as follows.

   as a matter of fact, …

   4) with-structure

   with the passing of years the situation has become more serious.

   wisdom comes with experience.

   no sweet without sweat.

   5). in-structure

   in case of …(在 … 情况下)

   in case of difficulty, we should turn to friends.

   in terms of…(就…来说)

   in terms of value, this approach is the best.

   in view of …(考虑到…)

   in the matter of …(就什么事情说)

   in light of …(根据, 依照)

   6) cause –type expressions

   factors for …

   factors can explain / account for …

   be responsible for … / play a part in … / contribute a lot to …

   result from … / be ascribed to … / be rooted in …

   7) digit-type expressions

   as can be seen / revealed / shown / suggested /,

   from the statistics / information /data /figures given,

   number of … doubled /tripled, as compare with …

   jump / rise / increase /grow; drop / decrease / fall / decline

   remain steady / stable / unchanged

   reach a peak / a climax / the highest (lowest) point

   8) effect-type expressions

   create /produce / give rise to …side-effects

   exert / have / tremendous impact / effect / influence on …

   entail / involve / bring … consequences

   9) comparison-type expressions

   be in favor of / like /prefer …

   consider / take … into account the advantages / benefits / values / merits

   there is an element of truth in …, but they ignore a deeper fact that …

   people argue / hold / claim / believe / maintain / insist that …

   although /while /whereas there is a popular belief that …, …

   10) example-type expressions

   a good case in point is …

   take … for example, …

   suppose / consider /imagine …

   personal experience /examples i read of show that …

   according to a survey /opinion poll / publication …

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